Of Mice and Sand: Revised: il titolo in arrivo il 21 dicembre su Nintendo Switch

Qualche istante fa è stato pubblicato un trailer dedicato a Of Mice and Sand: Revised, titolo in arrivo settimana prossima sul Nintendo eShop di Switch.

Il titolo di Arc System Works verrà pubblicato sull’eShop americano (e forse europeo) di Nintendo Switch, il prossimo 21 novembre 2017.

Potete trovare il trailer recentemente pubblicato, in calce all’articolo.

“Of Mice and Sand: Revised” puts you in charge of a desert craft and its rodent crew. Brave an alien planet, and turn your squeaking subordinates into first-class shipmates, all in the name of adventure!

– Navigate the dunes in search of treasures!
Intriguing items await your discovery in the scorching sands.
Steer your ship from settlement to settlement, filling it with riches.

– Craft items to boost your success rate!
Not many people know, but mice are master crafters!
After adding a factory, workbench, lab, and other such rooms to your ship, you can turn your scavenged materials into rarer items and make food for your mice.
Sell crafted items at settlements to raise funds for more thrilling adventures!

– Construct a multitude of rooms, and power up!
Create more than just rooms for crafting: Add sleeping quarters so your crew can catch some Zs, or even a jukebox to give them a boost. And if any hostiles block your path, the machine gun will make them wish they’d stayed home.
Utilize crafted items to build a variety of rooms and enhance your ship.

– Encounter surprises in the desert!
On your trek, you may come across an oasis, perfect for replenishing your water supply, or befriend a fallen mouse in need of aid. And who knows? You may even find some precious items in crashed spaceships!
No adventure is complete without dangerous enemies, so install turrets, craft powerful ammunition, and…BOOM! Make ’em wish they’d stayed at home!

– New events, maps, and foes!
“Of Mice and Sand: Revised” is full of brand-squeaking new discoveries!
And did you hear? There are rumors of snowfall at the desert’s edge.
What events and enemies await…?!

Scour the searing sea of sand!
Wander the windswept wilderness!
Adventure in ancient, atrophied architecture!
Steer a sturdy, steel vessel! Hear the mice roar!

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